resepi ni kak rose cuba dari My Kitchen Snippets, thanks you Gert for the superb recipe. sedap sangat and please allow me to share the recipe here... thank you again.
1 cup of small sago pearls
200 gram gula Melaka – chopped into small pieces
1 ¼ cups thick of coconut milk
¼ tsp salt
2 pandan leaves
1. Wash and soak sago for 15 minutes. Bring 6 cups of water to boil. Strain the sago and add it into the boiling water. Keep stirring for 3 minutes, turn off the heat and cover for 15 minutes.
2. Pour sago into a strainer and rinse under cold running water to remove all the starch. Drain access water and set it aside to chill in the refrigerator.
3. In a small saucepan bring the coconut milk, salt and pandan leaves to a slow boil. (do not boil over high heat or else the coconut milk will curdle) Remove the pandan leaves and set it aside to cool completely in the fridge.
4. Put the gula Melaka and ¼ cup of water in a small saucepan over low heat. Melt the sugar, strain and set it aside to cool
5. Serve the pearl sago with coconut milk and gula Melaka syrup.
Salam K.Rose..nampak sedap lar sagu tue mkn time panas2 cam skrg...
kak rose....bestnya sagu gula melaka tu...
hmm...satu tu untuk saya.
dapat satu lagi resepi best..
dah dapat bayangkan rasanya :)
Assalamulaikum Kak Rose
akakkkk...memang sesuai tau kalau cuaca panas makan benda2 macam ni. Hari sabtu ni kena dok rehat2 tak boleh nak stress sangat pasal hal2 semalam sebab blogger bermasalah.. hihihi. Memang sedap ni kak rose tambah2 lagi kalau kak rose bagi ct segelas sagu gula melaka tu.. hihihi.
atie, panas2 ni x ingat brapa mangkuk dah abes...
mas, buat pun mudah jer...
nazrah... alamak! dah abes la... lewat publish sbb semalam blog nyer masaalah..
kasih, resepi simple yg sedap... buatnya pun mudah!
Walaikumsalam CT, nak tau sedap ke idak kenala buat sendirik ya... sorry selori kak rose nyer dah jadi bahan kumbahan!
Salam kak. sukanyerrrr kita dgn sagu2 giniii... ni hujan2 gini asyik rasa lapor jerrrr nak cyba2 buatlah :D biji sagu kita byk tuuu :D
Salam kembali ijayuji, Bangkok hujan? kats sini Tuhan saja yg tau panasnya... 32 deg C... tu yg buat desert nak nyejukkan badan!
eh eh,,,i like...acuan kuih tu...mana beli?
gerau, bekas tu bli kat giant....
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