ni lah dinner kami hari ni.... merajinkan diri buat mashed potato siap ngan gravy nyer, pas tu buat juga garlic braed dan sosej makan dengan sos cili jer....
untuk gravy kak rose amik resepi dari the star....
Ingredients1 1/2 tbsp butter 1 tbsp flour 50g celery, chopped 50g big onion, chopped 1 bay leaf *1/2 tsp thyme * 1/2 tsp basil * 1/8 tsp black pepper 1/8 tsp pepper 1/8 tsp black soya sauce for colour 1 1/2 cups water* kak rose gantikan dengan daun sup jer
Method Heat butter till it melts, add in the flour and stir well over low heat. (kak rose goreng bawang n celery tu pas tu bled n tapiskan) Add in the water gradually and bring to a boil. Mix in the rest of the ingredients and simmer until gravy is thick.
Use gravy as a topping for your mashed potatoes.
Note: To mash potatoes, simply boil the potatoes until they are done. Skin them and mash with a fork while they are still hot. Add some butter (or mayonnaise), milk, salt and pepper as you mash, to the consistency that you like. For best results, use potatoes that are suitable for mashing like the imported Russet potato. In general, fluffy potatoes are better for mashing than waxy ones. |

Garlic bread spread (
ni resepi amik kat blog Lela Majnun tu.tq ya n kak rose kopi resepinya)6 ulas bawang putih diracik halus (susah2 tumbuk jeaa laa dgn lesung)
1/4 buku mentega / butter
1/2 keping keju
2 tangkai daun sup utk tambahkan daun2 ijau tu.. Lela guna daun sup.. sbb daun parsley yg kering tu dh expired laa pulok...
satu buku roti jgn buat2 lupa lak.. (kak rose french bread yang keras tuh)
..panaskan kuali .. masukkan mentega, keju.. kacau2.. lps tu masukkan bawang putih.. kacau2 lagi.. last bila dh cair mentega n keju tu masukkan daun sup.. tutup api n masukkan dlm bekas.. ghupa2nyaaa bila mentega tu cair sepenuhnya lg senang nk sapu kat roti taw..
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