300g cauliflower cut into bite size piece
2 Onions chopped
2 Tomato chopped
1/2 tsp cumin seed
1 tsp chili powder
3/4 tsp coriander powder
1 tsp ginger paste (kak rose guna halia biasa tu chopped halus2)
3 garlic chopped
1/4 tsp turmeric powder
2 T coconut milk
2 T cooking oil
1/4 tsp mustard seed
salt to taste
1 sprig curry leaves
1/4 C water
* Soak cut cauliflower in hot salty water for 10 minutes, drain.
* Heat the oil, fry the cumin seed and mustard seed until fragrant, add in the onion, cook until light brown.
* Add in ginger, garlic, salt and tomato, cook until tomato turns soft.
* Now add the chili powder, coriander powder and turmeric, cook until raw smell goes.
* Add the cauliflower, coconut milk and 1/4 cup of water, stir then cover the pan and cook until cauliflower turns soft.
* Sprinkle curry leaves and check the salt. Remove from heat.
salam, mesti sedap kan cara masak sayur mamak stail gitu, ada la kelainan sesekali..lain kali boleh la sya goreng cauliflower camtu..tima kasih
Kak Rose,
Smalam I pun ada bli cauliflower jugak. Ingat nak masak lemak tapi goreng mcm gini lagi bagus eh kak....lagi sihat ;) Tenkiu for sharing kak...
wah menarik resepi ni kak...simple dan sedap harus dicuba ni:)
ma'chiks, sesekali masak cam mamak ni ok gak... tukar selera!
Anie, sama2...
Nieza, kak rose masak cari resepi yg simple2 jer...yg penting sedap!
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