Wednesday, July 7, 2010

22 days and still no rice...

lunch= ayam goreng n coleslaw n salad

salam dan selamat petang semua.... as per title above, today is my 22nd days without nasik.... and hope to continue until I cannot tahan..... but really hope that I can make it until a month, at least.... boleh ke? so far ok je.... semua lauk pauk boleh makan just minus those high carbs..... and nasi n roti is such a no no..... (.... rindunya nak makan roti bakar sapu butter....) others kak rose belasah jer..... that is why ada hari yang kantoi.... but I call it as a challenge to do better next!.....itu lah kan if there is a will semua pun boleh kan..... harap2 x lah jadi macam hot2 chicken shit je.... and terima kasih abang kerana support mamanya journey to a slimmer me..... biarpun sikit je penurunan but I'm satisfied with the result.... (even though I hope for more....) kena kuat semangat lagi nih...

bekpes = salad telur, zucchini n tomato + mayonis

masa ni baru je habis buat karipap n frozenkan.... bila2 nak makan terus goreng je..... tapi kena sabar je sebab x leh makan lagi....minggu depan insyaallah nak g jumpa busu dipendang, bolehlah mama bawa karipap untuk busu ya.... mama miss u, busu!

banyak tu.....66 biji u... boleh simpan sampai puasa kot....

ready to go in the freezer.... sebelum dipack sikit2


  1. wah kak!!!!!

    22 days no rice..hebat tu!!! kita tak leh lah lama tu no rice..paling2 pun 2 ari jek :)

  2. yat, x cuba x tau kan... nasi je x makan yg lain semua belasah ... tu yg ok je tu....

  3. salam kak rose...22 days w/out nasi..?? that is amazing!!! klu sy, mau terbongkang menggigil tak jumpa nasi. apa2 pun, semoga berhasil diet akak ni, nanti raya mesti cun melecun akak!

  4. ain, takut x sempat raya dah naik balik... bila posa segala macam nak dibaham susah juga nak kontrol...
